We are excited to announce a collaboration with Morek Engineering, who are based in Cornwall! The aim of the agreement is to commit to a joint effort to develop technology for the rapidly developing Floating Offshore Wind sector. The signing of this MoU follows the promising start to the Blackfish led C-DART project, on which Morek are partnering.

With the targeted deployment of floating wind in the Celtic Sea, Blackfish and Morek are not only ideally geographically located, they importantly have the necessary expertise to explore and solve problems facing the sector. We believe this partnership offers the opportunity for the development of unique design solutions to meet the industry's needs moving forward.
Morek is a specialist engineering consultancy focused on the delivery of advanced naval architecture and marine engineering to the offshore renewables sector. They have a strong track record in design and deployment of marine energy systems, this has included both design and installation of moorings & cables as well as work on novel floating structures.
Morek are uniquely placed to contributing their offshore energy expertise to realise opportunities for the south-west's growing floating offshore wind market.
"With the recent developments in FLOW there has been no better time than now to anticipate the needs and challenges of the sector as it evolves. We recognise the Blackfish team as a market leading force in creative engineering and technical problem solving and we are really excited about what this collaboration will achieve."
Bob Colclough – MD, Morek Engineering
"The floating offshore wind market is one that really excites us at Blackfish, not just because of its strong recent growth, but also because we recognise the challenges and crossover with wave, tidal and wind energy projects we have worked on before. Our partnership with Morek is all about combining our design team with talented, experienced naval architects and marine engineers in order to develop technology for FLOW with a more holistic approach."
James Harrison – Director, Blackfish Engineering